Beauty: skin care from 20 years old

The skin reflects a person's state of health and vitality. It is also the largest organ in your body and therefore deserves to be well taken care of! In principle, the skin itself is capable of regularly getting rid of dead cells and producing new ones; However, it is always good to support this natural process. With this in mind, Forever offers a range of specific care products to cleanse the skin, remove dead cells and moisturize it. An exceptional ingredient formula based on aloe vera, fruit extracts, white tea and other moisturizing substances. The result? A fresh and radiant complexion that will not reveal your age!

Beauty: can we stay young and beautiful all our lives?

We prefer not to know it, but from the age of 20, your skin begins to age. During adolescence, skin care is mainly aimed at prevention and correction of small impurities. Even if you are just twenty years old, make sure you take good care of your skin because later at an older age, you will be able to see what happened to it over the period of twenty to thirty years. 

At this age your skin renews itself naturally and the skin is young and supple. This is where you have to make sure to maintain a good level of hydration in your skin in the following way: remove makeup with Exfoliating Cleanser, a gentle makeup remover that also cares for the skin.

Then, refresh your skin with Rehydrating Toner, an alcohol-free product that closes pores and removes excess oil. The gentle substances in this product moisturize and nourish your skin. Finally, use Aloe Srub and Aloe Liquid Soap products once or twice a week and mix them together for a foaming exfoliating treatment. Apply this mixture by gently massaging the skin using small movements
circulars. Your skin will be revitalized and radiant thanks to the small grains of jojoba. Complete this treatment with Aloe Moisturizing Lotion, the ideal product for good hydration and protection of your skin.