97% Aloe Gel
Aloe Vera, Gel aloe vera pure aloe with 97% extract of Aloe gel pure nature pulp. Stabilized aloe vera juice.
Natural product believed directly extracted from the plant Aloe (aloe plant) very useful for the family.
Health, beauty, shape and strength. Drink certified natural and organic, integrated with a normal diet, can strongly contribute to restoring sudden imbalances by our body through a poor diet (denatured products).
Juice Aloe Vera Gel has, inter alia, moisturizing and regenerating properties for woman, man and child.
Common name: Aloe Vera.
Botanical name: Aloe vera or Aloe barbadensis, family Liliaceae or the aloeacees.
Part used: stabilized pure pulp, clear and mucilaginous gel (internal part of the leaves).