Absorbent C - Vitamine C

Absorbent-C is a powerful vitamin C supplement that is known for its antioxidant action. It is found mostly in fruits and vegetables, and plays an important role in protecting the body against external harms. A high dosage of vitamin C also stimulates the body's defenses. Combining the oat bran ensures complete absorption of vitamin C by the body.Acheter l'Absorbent C - Vitamine C

Forever Freedom

Freedom Forever contains the Aloe Vera Gel enriched with sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin, methyl-sulphonyl methane and vitamin C.

Forever Freedom has a taste of orange-new, very well acceptable, not found in other drinks of Aloe Vera.

This remarkable formula is undoubtedly a promise for the well-being of our joints, because it is full of nutrients for cartilage, connective tissue and, especially, the liquid joint.



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