
Position Tracking

Suivi de position collecte les données historiques à partir de la date de création de votre campagne. Nous consignons les résultats quotidiens pendant 60 jours.

Après 60 jours, nous affichons les informations sous forme de points hebdomadaires et, par défaut, ceux-ci sont le mercredi.

Nous enregistrons ces informations hebdomadaires pendant 2 mois.


Another benefit of a position-tracking campaign is that historical data can be seen for any competitor you added, going back to the date your project was created.

  • For example, let's say you created a campaign on November 1, 2020 without adding an initial competitor. Then, on November 1, 2021, you add two competitors to the campaign.
  • You'll then be able to see the weekly data points on the positions of these newly added competitors for the keywords in your project, going back to November 1, 2020.
  • With this data, you can monitor all the trends and changes for the most important keywords in your market.
  • The greater the prospects in your market, the more you'll be prepared to outperform your competitors.
NB. Rates including VAT including paid leave

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