

What is iboga?

The iboga (Tabernanthe iboga), is a shrub of the forests of Central Africa. A traditional ritual use, the Bwiti, practiced by the Pygmy and Fang (Bantu) ethnic groups, is associated with Gabon in particular.

Foliage and fruit of the iboga or Tabernanthe iboga, a small shrub that can grow up to 6 meters tall.

The root of iboga contains a dozen alkaloids, including ibogaine. This is a substance similar to those present in different species of hallucinogenic mushrooms and in Ayahuasca.

During this initiatory or therapeutic ceremony, the bark of the roots of the iboga, also called sacred wood, is consumed pulverized in powder, alone or mixed with water, or in the form of pellets mixed with other parts of the plant, honey and other sacred plants. For the initiated, nausea and vomiting, a comatose state, and muscular asthenia follow during which the hallucinations take shape.

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The bark of a root of a plant native to Africa, iboga, seems to promise this miracle. Researchers in the West have begun to understand how it works on the brain: it is a psychostimulant and a hallucinogen, but those who have used it and those who study it say it is not a recreational drug. It is said to cure addictions induced by hard drugs, alcohol and tobacco. It remains to be seen whether the effects are permanent or not. 
Because there are still too few rigorous studies and clinical trials to erase the sulphurous image attached to iboga, which belongs to a family of psychedelic substances known as hallucinogens, blacklisted in the world since the 1970s.


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