Early Retirement Accommodation


The idea of leaving Belgium to embrace a new life as an early retiree in Cameroon is an exciting adventure. The Cameroonian Belgian non-profit organisation lkpouvoir2 offers homestay accommodation options in Balafi, Fotouni, Melon, Bafoussam and Bangam, offering cultural immersion and proximity to the land you could cultivate.

Family: #Makougang, #Fomo, #Fezing, #Fopossi, #Tchébayou, #Safou, #Umbesop, #Me'é Kengni, #Sielinou, #Noubicier.

Life in Cameroon can be affordable, allowing for a comfortable retirement even with modest pensions, as long as you adopt a local lifestyle.
However, access to quality care can be a challenge, and it is advisable to plan for adequate health coverage before moving. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the pension systems in Cameroon, which offer different options for salaried workers, civil servants, and voluntarily insured persons.

In Belgium, pension and self-employment

If you receive a retirement pension as a self-employed person or as an employee and continue to be self-employed, you remain subject to the tax. Depending on your income, you must continue to pay social security contributions. As a self-employed person, you pay social security contributions of a maximum of 14.70% of your net taxable professional income from the quarter of retirement.

If the income from your self-employment as a pensioner is limited and you do not earn more than EUR 3,730.88, you will not have to pay social security contributions.

Sources: https:www.liantis.be/fr/devenir-independant/conditions-starter/pension-et-activite-d-independant#:~:text=Savoir%2Dvous%20que%20vous%20peut,devrez%20however%20limiter%20vos%20revenus.




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