

Yohimbine. The aphrodisiac properties of yohimbe bark are due to yohimbine, an alkaloid it contains. For this reason, it is preferable to use a product with a clearly indicated content of this substance.

In Central Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, Congo) and West Africa (Nigeria), yohimbe bark was recognized as an aphrodisiac, according to local traditions. It has also been attributed to hallucinogenic effects (in the form of cigarettes). Traditional healers also used it to treat angina pectoris and high blood pressure.

It is above all its use as an aphrodisiac that has stood the test of time.
Until the recent appearance of sildenafil (Viagra), yohimbine hydrochloride (standardized yohimbe bark extract) was prescribed to men with erectile dysfunction.

Discover the aphrodisiac properties of yohimbe bark thanks to yohimbine, an alkaloid it contains. Yohimbe is the name of an evergreen tree found in parts of Central and West Africa. The bark of the yohimbe tree contains a chemical called yohimbine, which is used to make medicines. Yohimbine hydrochloride (Aphrodyne, Yocon) is a form of yohimbine that is a prescription drug in the United States.



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