Registration distributors Forever Living Products Algeria

Online distributors FLP Algeria: registration

Your membership ends by acquiring online business bag for an amount of €35 Excl. VAT and validation of your first order products.
You must therefore have a payment card that will allow you to make payment online and validate your registration.
Please fill out the form below specifying the placeholders to the coordinates of the sponsor:

-Distributor number = 310002008957

-Name = KONE


The command start is 1 PC

Maximum order:

On the Algeria import procedures are very long. To avoid creating frustration in the network, we are forced to limit the "maximum of command" by distributors at least on the first import operations.

  • New distributors: 2 PC (including one start) until the new arrival
  • Moderator Assistant: 2 PC until the new arrival
  • Facilitator and +: 4 PC until the new arrival

For some references, we are obliged to limit purchases to one unit per distributor within the maximum limit of its level:

  • Forever Marine Mask (No. 234),
  • Aloe Lips (by 12 - ref. 22),
  • Forever Epiblanc (No. 236),
  • Forever Aloe Scrub (No. 60).

And without the possibility to report between the references.

For example : a distributor who is moderator Deputy may buy at maximum 2 PC of products before the next shipment with maximum of 1 Marine Mask, 1 box of Aloe Lips, 1 Epiblanc and 1 Forever Aloe Scrub.

In the event where, it would not need Marine Mask, he will not, for example, see this amount on an extra box of lips.

Regulation of the commands:

Orders may be placed only on this site.

Settlement of orders: species

To deal with the lack of currency in Agency, we invite you to anticipate the best stuff and expect the extra for the amount of your purchases.

  • For teams residents outside of Algiers of the bulk of orders are possible. They cannot be passed by Managers "line head" and cannot be done only after having made an appointment to the Agency.

Information about the tax obligations of distributors - here are our tax expert answers:

Ø for the activity of purchase / resale of products: the dispenser made his case his statements of margins associated with its turnover with the tax authorities of his residence.

Ø for the activity of development of the network, a withholding tax of 15% will be completed on bonuses by FLP Algeria and paid to the tax administration. To this end, we would confirm that the declaration is made by name and that the identification of the Distributor and its statement of bonus will be systematically forwarded to tax administration, when declaring the FLP Algeria G50.
This withholding is withholding from all taxes within the meaning of article 46-5 of the code of direct taxes. The rate of the withholding tax applicable to the products referred to in articles 45 to 48 is set at 15%, according to article 104 of the code of direct taxes.

Our lawyer is currently finalising approval of Algerian distribution so that the conditions of use contained on the biller. Once available amenities, distributors will have a period of 2 months to be updated with regard to the Algerian approval.



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