Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo Plus Forever

Ginkgo (Ginkgo More Forever) stimulates the cerebral metabolism, while promoting the transmission of signals between cells. Thanks to the specific characteristics of Ginkgo Biloba, this dietary supplement has favorable effects on memory and on concentration.
The long-lived tree. True living fossil Ginkgo appeared on earth just before the dinosaurs. Its longevity is legendary: in China, where it originates, older trees are more than 4000 years!

Improve cerebral circulation
The sheet contains specific components ginkgolides, associated with flavonoids and antioxidants. Both tonic and vascular protective, these assets are becoming a dilatory effect on the arteries. This synergy explains the beneficial effects of Ginkgo on the symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency. By improving oxygenation of the brain, the concentrated extract of Ginkgo particularly involved in maintaining the memorial capacity

To promote good memory

  • Dietary supplement
  • Promotes concentration
  • Stimulates cognitive abilities




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