First Spray Aloe

Aloe First Spray, 78% of pure aloe gel to soothe, refresh, nourish, soften, protect, clean, and also disinfect.

Forever Aloe First Spray This is:

  • - 11 extracts precious plants (marigold, yarrow, thyme, chamomile, dandelion, eucalyptus, passionflower, sage, ginger, sandalwood and borage)
  • - The bee propolis and natural vitamin E.

Aloe vera First Spray is a mist that moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis. Spray organic to organic aloe gel enriched with propolis and allantoin.

Aloe First Spray calms, soothes and softens sensitive skin. It is also helpful to many minor skin damage and is especially recommended to alleviate the effects of prolonged exposure to sun, wind or cold. Aloe First is an excellent addition to the first aid kit!

The First Spray for personal and hair care.

  • Protected hair, they find flexibility, shine and volume.
  • Forever Aloe First Spray calms, soothes and softens sensitive skin.
  • First Forver Spray or aloe vera in mist.






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