Aloe Flower 

Day cream. For a comprehensive care of your skin, Youth Flower care met in this case anti-wrinkle cream. Associates through a real program, the Milk Aloe vera scrub, toning Fluid Aloe, Aloe vera cream base, the Night Care Aloe vera, Facial Contour Mask Powder and Aloe Activator guarantee to repair your skin and prevention.

This set includes:

  • Milk Scrub Aloe (ref. 43)
  • Fluid Toner Aloe (ref. 42)
  • Base Cream Aloe (ref. 44)
  • the Night Care Aloe (ref. 46)
  • Powder Facial Mask (ref. 45)
  • the Aloe Activator 60 ml (ref. 52)
  • a mirror
  • a mixing spoon
  • a makeup brush

Aloe Fleur de Jouvence is especially suitable to start with health care on the basis of aloe gel. It is also the perfect gift for a beloved person.
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