Aloe Gel.
Aloe Gel 97% of stabilized aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is a natural product directly extracted from the plant of aloe vera (aloe plant) is a very useful for the family aloe vera drink. The aloe vera gel drink has, inter alia, moisturizing and regenerating properties for woman, man and child.
Common name: Aloe Vera.
Botanical name: Aloe vera or Aloe barbadensis, family Liliaceae or the aloeacees.
Part used: stabilized pure pulp, clear and mucilaginous gel (internal part of the leaves).
Benefits of aloe vera, benefits of aloe vera for well and poorly with gel.
By the elimination of toxins, aloe vera gel;
- retards cellular aging,
- protects the body of the pollution,
- enhances the action of vitamin C against the formation of nitrosamines (carcinogenic)
- strengthens the immune system,
- reduces fatigue,
- improves physical performance,
- has an anticoagulant action and opposes the formation of clots,
- improves blood circulation and prevents heart problems,
- accelerates the healing of the skin after a burn,
- enhances fertility and prevents impotence.
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