Mask Powder

Powder Facial Mask - Aloe vera is a great facial works together with Aloe Activator.

This care Aloe Flower of Youth - aloe vera nourishes the skin and restores its suppleness and radiance. The features are smoothed and tightened pores. Cleanse and clarify three times a week your complexion with a powerful face mask obtained by mixing the powder Facial Mask Ref 45 to 52 Aloe Activator Ref.

This mask combines the virtues of aloe vera and clay. It cleanses the skin and brightens the complexion. The skin is toned and revitalized.

The tensor effect Mask significantly diminish lines and wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types.
Buy Powder Facial Mask. Facial powder countour

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This care with pink clay mask is the basis of Youth Flower which is obtained by mixing the powder in equal parts with Activator. This mask nourishes, tones and remineralize your skin. It effectively cleanses the skin, brightens the complexion and tightening effect visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles from the first application.





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